Why is Varun Joshi the perfect fit to be an Intern at your company ?
Varun Joshi, Full Stack Epicness!
10k Views • Upvoted by Elon musk • Mark Zuckerberg • God • Alpha, Beta and the Omega
Tl;dr : Varun Joshi is Awesome !
What makes Varun Joshi stand out is his enthusiasm to contribute and his curosity to learn. Following the mantra of " Determination, Dedication and Discipline his passion driven spirit and a cheerful nature makes me question, "Why isn't he there already ? "more...
What makes Varun Joshi stand out is his enthusiasm to contribute and his curosity to learn. Following the mantra of " Determination, Dedication and Discipline his passion driven spirit and a cheerful nature makes me question, "Why isn't he there already ? "more...
The passion to solve complex problems, employing the most efficient and fast algorithms with a knack for Design and User Experience, it is my versatility that helps me excel.
Having 3 years of extensive experience as a Senior Systems Engineer, coded thousands of lines of pure quality code and worked on some of the most amazing projects, it is my creative and logical intellect through which I can prove to be a vital asset.
Driven with Passion. . .
I Design
Some of my best works:
Working part-time in the IT department of the university, I design and develop various web apps such as the Key Performance Indicators which uses graphs to display various metrics to the users.
Anukruti: Infosys Quaterly NewsletterBack to Anukruti edition, designed it in the form of a journal with live elements like page turning, bookmarks etc.
Anukruti: Infosys Quaterly NewsletterAnukruti Black Edition: Single page, responsive website. Smooth transition between sections and self designed logo.
Anukruti: Infosys Quaterly NewsletterAnukruti 7 Sins: Minimalistic web design with eye catchy visual elements to portray a sense of mystery and darkness.
With a Spark to Grow
I Code
< Projects I've worked on >
UBIT Website Developer:Working on top of Adobe CQ5, the software download section is being redone to make it much more optimized, efficient and visually appealing.
UPC/Ziggo Self Care portalUsing client given visual styles, developed a single page, responsive web portal using the Adobe CQ5 CMS, with Bootstrap v3.1. The functionality was coded in Java.
Vodafone eShop and mSalesPart of the dedicated Infosys UI/UX Team for the client Vodafone. Primary focus on responsivness on mobile devices and compatibility with legacy browsers. Used HTML5, CSS3, javascript, jQuery and xui mobile.
Twit Analytic Search EngineWorked on the development of a search engine which retrieves data upon the queried topics from a subset of latest tweets and then analyzes it to give interesting and important information like Semantic Analysis, Geographic analysis etc. Also developed a web crawler coded in Java. The project included various analytic features including content tagging, faceted search, graph search etc.
To achieve perfection
And I'm Certified
Microsoft Certified Professional:Certification Number: E167-1149, Certification ID: 9680798
Microsoft SpecialistProgramming in HTML5 with Javascript and CSS3. CerVficaVon Number: E167-1144, CerVficaVon ID: 9680798
Microsoft Certification Transcript